Image by racoles via Flickr
I'm still making dinner each day, only now I do it at 6 am in the crockpot so the guys have something to eat!
I'm still driving home after the conference and networking sessions but that means not getting home until around 9 each night.
I have had little to no time with family except to shout instructions on what's for dinner as I'm dashing out the door.
It's amazing how much less energy an almost 8 month pregnant lady has! I'm doing some work helping the Austin Sweet Songs group pull their CD Release Party and benefit together, have my baby sprinkle next weekend, and still need to find time to sit and relax before this new little one decides to join us. That doesn't even start to take into account the regular work that must get done, house cleaning, or anything resembling fun like reading a book or studying up on the Hypnobirthing I want to do this time around. More than anything I need to revisit my own goals for balance.
This whole blog started out of my attempt to balance telecommuting, charitable work, my family, and fun. Just like New Year's resolutions, goals to be more balanced need to be revisited occasionally to keep us on track. I personally find that it takes more commitment than a new gym regimen to focus on myself and ensure some personal downtime is built into our schedule.
So I guess it's back to basics and re-evaluating how to travel the tightrope as I get closer and closer to an even busier schedule in just under 10 weeks. The count down is on!