I never thought I would say this, but I should have listened to Jessica Simpson. From the time I was fresh out of college and living in Dallas, Jessica Simpson has been seen at all hours of the day and night promoting Proactive. I'm not a huge fan of star studded infomercials, and will actually watch far more of one if it has "the common man" I can identify with, but here I am 6 years later saying my official apologies!
A PR company contacted me and offered me a trial version of Proactive in exchange for blogging about what I thought. Sounds good to me, I thought! I'll try it out, and it surely can't be any worse than the really bad skin I was having at the time. Actually it was a great move on my part! Within a few days I could see a visible difference. My skin really did get much clearer, much smoother and my pores shrunk. Most of all I didn't see the crazy out of no where breakouts I was seeing before that. Of course I slipped and forgot to use it for a few days and IMMEDIATELY saw a resurgence of my evil acne, but the good news is that getting back on the bandwagon, got me back to my results. If you're looking for a good solution for yourself, a daughter, or a friend, this really did work for me, and I have generally tried everything in the book.
I was originally put off by the $20 price tag to try something unknown, but now having seen the results, and knowing I'm not going to be spending far more than that a month on cleanser, toner, moisturizer, cover-up, and still be frustrated, I will be much more likely to continue ordering.
My only issue at all is that I hate putting anything that's not all natural on my face. But having said that, Proactive got results when the all natural items I tried didn't, so I guess in this case the proof is in the pudding. I'm sure that my search for an all natural solution won't stop here, but until I find it, I'm quite happy with not having to wear makeup these days!
Thank you Proactive for giving me the chance to try this out!
I have been wondering if I should try this! Thanks for the review. Much appreciated.
I have been thinking about ordering it for my daughter too but then found something that worked for us. So here it is there is a company called norwex natural cleaning products and more. We bought the baby faceclothes and all you do is wash your face every night with water that is all nothing else needed. We have been also using tea tree oil which we were using before the clothes but it didnt really work.
I am so happy with these clothes they are around 20.00 and they are guaranteed for 2 years too!!!!! Good luck
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