Saturday, March 22, 2008

March Madness

Yeah around here that would generally just refer to basketball, but there has been so much going on that it really has just been a crazy month. Late in February Mom and I took a trip to Midland, then when we got back I raided mom's stuff and took a trip back into the 80s by myself. I also went with Mom for the Texas primary and voted. Mom picked the candidates and I hit the button. This was also the month that I discovered basketball. Check out the slide show below to see me in action. Mom also got my water table set up outside and I had a blast playing in that until the bees discovered it and took over. Dad's taking care of them today! And in case you haven't been around me lately and heard, I LOVE trucks. I get so excited in the car or anytime I see one, so when we were at Chick Fil A last weekend I wanted to go and sit at the back on the restraunt on the corner and watch all the trucks go through the drive thru. This just cracked Mom up and she took a ton of pictures. For some reason Pa gave me money to do this, but I dropped it cause the trucks are more fun. Boy you should have seen Dad scramble to catch the money flying away! I also finally agreed to sit still long enough for Mom to take Grampy some pictures of the great Cowboys jumpsuit he got me. She finally caught me watching sports and snapped a few. Here's a bunch of pictures from this month.



Today I have been pretty cranky since my last few teeth are taking their sweet time to come in, but right after refusing lunch Mom and Dad decided to distract me with some Easter Egg decorating. Although a bunch of them ended up cracked (I do like to throw anything remotely round), I had a good time.


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