Like most people I have to occasionally search for my keys. They could be in my purse, a pocket of a previous outfit, the drawer where they are supposed to be, or any one of a dozen other places. However the rules of this game changed completely when Noni and Pa gave Alex a Cozy Coupe for Christmas. The Cozy Coupe is a fisher price red and yellow car that is supposed to be powered Flinstone style, although Alex prefers Mom or Dad horsepower. It has a horn, a small storage/trunk space and a big blue key and key slot. Alex is incredibly observant and is so cute mimicking everything we do, right down to needing chees (Keys) to drive his car. Seriously the kiddo won't even open the door to his coupe without first running to Mom, Dad or the key drawer and shouting for keys. Then keys in hand he'll get in, take out the fake key and insert the lovely real jingly ones and away he goes. Add it to the list of places I now need to check when searching for my keys! 
Another of Alex's latest accomplishments is belly blowing. That crazy disgusting act of someone blowing on your belly, than never fails to make you laugh. After months of us cracking Alex up by blowing on his, Eric pinned me down and showed Alex how to tickle Mommy not long ago. Today Alex decided to see if it was as funny to blow on my belly as I find blowing on his. It was so funny to see him try and boy oh boy was he proud of himself.
Mr Mimic is talking up a storm, doing everything we do, and advancing/learning by leaps and bounds. In the last few weeks he has said his first full sentence (There he is, in response to Eric's "Where's Alex?"), learned how to get out into the garage (I found him trying to climb into his jeep), Saying the names of all his favorite little Einsteins characters, trying out new words like Meatloaf, and lip syncing to his favorite Little People tunes. He loves being outside, hearing and pointing at the planes and driving his Jeep, which he has now mastered the art of. He plays hard, sleeps some, and truly is a joy to be around.
Eric is still traveling quite a bit and will be for awhile. That's okay with me when I hear that crazy employee's wives are driving their cars through the glass building he works in and crashing the break area. He's safer in Tampa!
I'm busy with all my various endeavors, and will be especially focusing the next 7 weeks on jump starting my weight-loss plans for the year with the Curves Challenge. I'm working out 4 times a week, doing a low carb plan, and generally making my house to healthy for any friends or family's peace of mind. I'm also in full organizing mode and will be attacking closets over the next few weeks and checking out sites like